Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Shrek 3 and Linux

(For full text with comments please click on the title)

Dreamworks says:

“All the big film studios primarily use Linux for animation and visual effects. Perhaps no commercial Linux installation is larger than DreamWorks Animation, with more than 1,000 Linux desktops and more than 3,000 server CPUs.

For Shrek 3, we will consume close to 20 million CPU render hours for the making of the film’, says DreamWorks Animation CTO Ed Leonard. ‘Each of our films continues to push the edge of what’s possible, requiring more and more compute power.’ Everyone knows Moore’s Law predicts that compute power will double every one and a half years. A little known corollary is that feature cartoon animation CPU render hours will double every three years. In 2001, the original Shrek movie used about 5 million CPU render hours. In 2004, Shrek 2 used more than 10 million CPU render hours. And in 2007, Shrek 3 is using 20 million CPU render hours.”


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